Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Good news and bad news

I usually prefer to start with bad news, and save something to look forward to, end on a high. But the bad news this time is kinda funny anyway so I'll hold it back.

The great news is I've been lecturing, and I've managed fine. Which is an unquantifiable relief after where i was at last november (see my post Confession). I don't think public speaking will ever be my favourite thing to do. I'll never be someone who can blag it, and breeze through with minimal prep. It takes a lot out of me. But I'm proud of myself for getting out there even though I didn't want to, and the lectures have gone well, I've received great feedback even. I think the lectures usually turn out well because i'm so terrified of it feeling boring or awkward that I pour my heart and soul into prepping each one. Anyway, I'm really grateful to Daniel McDermid and to whoever makes sertraline for helping me through. So I'm no longer imminently looking for a new job, although given the current climate, that may not last long. But it feels like life became possible again and I can relax a bit.

More great news: My book proofs are in! It's so great to start to see what the finished thing will look like. of course the flip side is I now have three weeks to check the proofs, as well as compile the index, alongside teaching two modules. Oh and conference season approaches so all my reviewing deadlines are close, and a million other things chose this month to land on my desk instead of, say, last semester when I had all the time in the world : ( 

And the bad news?

So I broke my knee. Or rather the cruciate ligament inside my knee. At least it's thought I did, but I won't know for sure till the NHS gets around to getting me an mri scan. I can't drive or walk without crutches at the moment, and I don't know how long that will drag on. It's making everything take ages as I hobble around the house. On the upside, the kids are having to get used to managing without me doing everything for them, and it doesn't hurt too much, so it could have been worse.

Why is it funny? Because it's me, and of course I wasn't playing football or heroically rescuing a squirrel from a tree. I was trying to ride down a big ramp on a skateboard because a 6-year old told me it was easy. 

I'm actually pretty gutted I might have to nip this incipient hobby in the bud, because it is by far the most fun I've found one can have without recourse to mountains or beaches (and much much cheaper). 

Here's hoping the scan says it isn't too bad after all and I can continue to tire my adhd into submission.

In the meantime, at least while I'm stuck at home I can get on with checking these proofs....................

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